
We are building components in the following categories:

  • Wrappers script packages for common single-cell analysis toolkits
  • Bioconda packages to facilitate wrapper availability
  • Bioconda packages for any previously missing packages
  • Containers for Bioconda packages (mostly created automatically via Bioconda)
  • Galaxy wrappers for Bioconda-packages wrappers

This page details components developed as part of this project..

Wrapper script packages

Bioconda packages

The above packages have been made available via Bioconda in the packages:


Use of Bioconda packages means we get containers ‘for free’ as well. See containers for:

We have also developed the following:

Galaxy components

Ongoing work

Recent updates in Bioconda provide access to newer versions of Bioconductor packages. In particular we’re aware that our Scater wrappers are currently out of date, for example the function for reading 10X data is removed in favour of DropletUtils. Updates will be applied in due course.